Cardio For Fun
By Deb Villarese
If mindlessly trekking along on a treadmill in a row with other people doing the same isn't your idea of a good time, you're not alone. It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise when the reality of the gym is so...boring. Cardio can be really fun, however, if you look less at "how long should I spend doing cardio" and more at "what fun activities that I enjoy are cardiovascular exercise in disguise?"
Try fun and games with the family! That family trip to the pool should include a lot more time with everybody swimming around together, playing games, diving for rings and racing! Likewise, on pleasant summer evenings, head outside after dinner to play badminton, volleyball, or other games. When you play games together you'll be laughing and having a great time as well as making sure that everybody is getting good exercise.
Another way to make cardio more fun is to join a group activity. Kickboxing at your local gym is certainly going to be a lot more stimulating than alone at home, following a video. You'll have an instructor there to motivate you and a room full of people there for the same reason. You can also join local league teams that are in it for fun, whether that's football, basketball, soccer, etc. If what you're really craving is time for yourself these days, why not start taking more hikes and combine your alone time with nature and get some cardio time in to boot!
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About the Author
 | Deb Villarese, Bella Well Lifestyles for Shaklee Corp Leverenz Rd Naperville, IL 60564 630-420-2119
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