How to give the Ultimate Deep Tissue Massage with no pain
By Erik Jacobson
Massage is an art, not a technique or a profession. Massage is a skilled dance between the hands of the therapist and the body of the massage receiver. A truly great therapist does not give a massage they express their work of art onto the soft tissues of client. To give a great Massage the therapist must be in the correct mindset to be able to give an ultimate deep tissue relaxing massage. The ultimate massage is a balance between power/pressure and flow. Many therapists are simply going through the motions of what they were trained to do in school. These are the types of therapists that should be avoided. The following is how to give the ultimate deep tissue massage with maximum results and relaxation of the client.
The first thing the therapist needs is a positive mindset. This is something that is difficult to find in today’s day and age but they are out there. The correct mindset will allow the therapist to transfer there positive energy and magic to the client. This positive mindset can be achieved by simply giving a massage that the therapist themselves would like to receive.
The second thing that the therapist needs to give the ultimate deep tissue massage is a body. Well that is easy since everyone has a body. I should rephrase that statement with a ultimate massage therapist needs to be in tune to their body. If a therapist is not in tune with the minute feelings in their own body how can they be in tune with the clients? This takes allot of searching to find but they are out there and can be found. Usually they will people that drink alcohol only in minute moderation and do not smoke. The ultimate therapist cannot be overweight as the balance in their body cannot be good if they are carrying extra weight causing them to live in an off balance life.
The third thing that the ultimate therapist will need is very important and an obvious one for a massage therapist is hands. The hands of an ultimate massage giver can come in any shape or size, but they need two things. First they need to be flexible and sensitive. By having these two attributes it will allow them to be able to give a powerful yet flowing massage, which are the two most important things when giving the ultimate massage. The hands of the ultimate massage therapist must have eyes. Hands of eye massage therapists can see with their hands and feel with their hands allowing them to give the ultimate deep tissue massage with no pain.
Hands of eye massage therapists can give the ultimate deep tissue relaxing massage because they are able to feel the person while seeing with their hands. This allows great pressure with great flow nourishing the entire muscle from insertion point to insertion point. By having hands of eye an in tune body and the correct mindset you can give the ultimate deep tissue massage with no pain.
About the Author
 | Erik Jacobson, Hands of Eye Mobile Massage San Clemente, CA 92672 949-306-7220
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