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Let’s Get Healthy

I’ve always loved that quote, and the potential each of us has to create the world we want. Each New Year brings new hopes & dreams, fresh starts, resolutions.

What do you want for yourself this year? Take time to write it down. It’s important to be very specific. Rather than “spend more time with friends,” maybe you’ll commit to get together for lunch or dinner with at least one friend each week. If it’s “more quality time with kids”, what does that look like to you? Scheduling one-on-one time with each child? More family dinners? If it’s “make more money”, what amount do you see, and what opportunities will you be open to?

“Get healthier” is a big one! Maybe you’ll walk 15 minutes each day, or go to the gym 5 days a week. Will you commit to eat 7 to 13 servings of fruits & vegetables each and every day? You’ll need more servings if you’re an athlete. The sad fact is only 25% of adults and 10% of teenagers eat at least 2 fruits & 3 vegetables a day. Fresh fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in fiber, and a treasure trove of antioxidants and other phytonutrients – nutritional elements that work together to support our health. Despite the proven connection between eating more vine-ripened fruits and vegetables and a decreased risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, & obesity, most of us find eating enough fruits & vegetables really hard to do, despite our best intentions. Consider adding JuicePlus+ - concentrated fruits & vegetables in a capsule or delicious soft chewable - to your food budget to help bridge the gap between what we KNOW we should eat and what we actually DO eat.

Creating a dream board – finding pictures of those things you want in your life and putting them on posterboard – is another way to help make them a reality. Maybe it’s a vacation to Italy, a new car, a shore home, a slimmer body. Put your dream board in a place that you see it each day. The more detail you put into these exercises, the more likely you are to realize your dreams.

Winter is the dreamtime, a time of going within, of introspection, a time to prepare for what is to come. Watch the sunrise and sunset, notice how each day we have a few minutes more light as our Mother Earth gets ready to wake up. We can learn so much from the natural world. Spend time connecting with nature as a way to heal both body and soul.

I wish each one of you a year filled with light, love, good health & happiness.

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About the Author

Marilyn Del Duca, JuicePlus+
New Castle, DE 19720

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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